Advanced Typography: Final Compilation & Reflection

29.03.2021 - 25.06.2021 (Week #1 - Week #14)

Seerat Tayyab Mukhtar Qureshi - 0345576 (BDCM)

Advanced Typography

Final Compilation & Reflection

1. Instructions:

2. Submissions:


Typographic Systems:

Fig 1.0: Radial System

Fig 1.1: Bilateral System

Fig 1.2: Grid System

Fig 1.3: Dilational System

Fig 1.4: Random System

Fig 1.5: Transitional System

Fig 1.6: Modular System

Fig 1.7: Axial System

Fig 1.8: PDF Final 

Type & Play (part #1) — Finding Type

Fig 1.0: Original Photo

Fig 1.1: Extracting letterforms

Fig 1.2: Unrefined Type

Fig 1.3: Final Type 

Fig 1.4: Final Type PDF

Type & Play (part #2) — Type & Image

Fig 1.0: Final 

Fig 1.1: PDF Final

Project #1A — Key Artwork

Fig 1.0: Key Artwork Final 

Fig 1.1: Key Artwork Final PDF

Project #1B — Key Artwork & Collateral Works

Fig 1.0: Final Poster

Fig 1.1: Final Poster PDF

Fig 1.2: Collateral Paper Bag Final

Fig 1.3: Collateral Water Bottle 1/2 Final

Fig 1.4: Collateral Water Bottle 2/2 Final

Fig 1.5: Animated Invite Final

Fig 1.6: Collateral Works Final PDF

Final Project:

Fig 1.0: Venom-Regular Final

Fig 1.1: Venom-Regular Final PDF

Fig 1.2: Final Font PDF


Fig 1.3: Collateral Movie Poster 

Fig 1.4: Movie Poster Billboard Mockup

Fig 1.5: Collateral T-Shirt

Fig 1.6: Collateral Mug

Fig 1.7: Collateral Final PDF

Final Reflection:

Typography in semester 1 was a tough journey. Every single concept was new to me and didn't understand its significance and importance. I struggled a lot and so I had hoped that it would pay off in Semester 2. It did partially but at that same time maybe I was too optimistic. If there is one thing I can say with confidence that I have learnt is that typography is hard. Every single aspect of it is hard and painful to learn. You make so many mistakes that you wonder if you will ever get anything right. I hope that I got something right in these 14 weeks. It's exhausting to sit in front of a screen for 14 hours a day tweaking tiny curves and lines of your typeface and stare at the uncertainty of whether what you're doing is even beneficial.

Nevertheless, I leave this module with different perspectives from the start. I appreciate typography and all the effort that goes into it more than ever. I now notice small details that go into creating an identity. Because that's a huge part of what typography is. It's a unique identity. Even though I may not be skilled enough to execute the details I can perceive and notice around me, but realising them is a first step into being able to create them. After all, I am not who I was in Semester 1 Typography class, I have grown and I have understood.

The significance of little details in typefaces, the composition of event posters, the importance of key artworks. Everything I have learnt in this module I'll probably never forget because of the process it took to get there. I learnt how typefaces can be created from the abstract, I learnt how key artworks and collaterals shape an identity, I learnt how important it is for typefaces to be created with a purpose and I learnt how receiving feedback can be harsh sometimes and hiding from it is not the right way to do it. As someone whose specialisation is in graphic design, what I learnt in this module was especially important. That knowledge will be a part of me for as long as I am a designer. The basis of graphic design rests on typography. So, I end my approximately 6 month long journey of typography with valuable lessons on both type and life.

Thank you, Mr Vinod and Mr Asrizal.


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