Information Design: Final Project

04.01.2021 - 00.00.2021 (Week #1 -Week #7) 

Seerat Tayyab Mukhtar Qureshi - 0345576 (BDCM) 

Final project

Information design


Week #1: We were given a briefing on the overview of this module and what was expected of us in the end. We also formed our groups for the final project.

Fig 1.0: Briefing

Week #2: My group and I presented our topic this week for our video. We chose the anti vax movement and how that has arisen due to the misinformation being spread about vaccines. 

Fig 1.1: Our presentation slides

After getting our topic approved the next step was to do our research and start creating a narrative for our video. We shared a google doc and planned out on that. 

Fig 1.2: Our planning and narrative

Week #3: This week we had to show a storyboard and mood board. For our story board we all went on a platform that lets all of us draw simultaneously. We all sketched out the frames and picked out pictures for our mood board as well.

Fig 1.3: Our story board and mood board

The next steps were to use these frames and create a rough animatic.

Week #4: This week we had to show our animatic to Mr. Shamsul.

Fig 1.4: Our animatic

Week #5:

This week we had to show our AI assets. I was responsible for these. I had to take the illustrations my group mates did and turn them into vectors in Illustrator.

Fig 1.5: Our assets

Week #6&7: There were no lectures this week and we worked on our project and received feedback from Mr. Shamsul. After his final feedback we finalised our video.

Fig 1.6: Final video


Week #2: After our presentation, Mr Shamsul liked our topic and proposal and approved it. He said to make sure that it is clear that we are looking at misinformation and how misinformation is harmful.

Week #3: Mr Shamsul said that our story board frames were a bit vague and they needed to be a bit more detailed. He did like the style of illustration we had chosen and said that its good and we can start working on designing our assets and animatic.

Week #4: Mr Shamsul liked our animatic overall but he said that it was a bit laggy and not really smooth but its okay since its only supposed to be a draft. He said we should work on adding a bit more consistency to our art style and make sure the final video is smooth.

Week #5: Our assets were approved by Mr. Shamsul and he said we were on the right track and making progress towards the final

Week #6&7: Mr. Shamsul gave us some final feedback. He said to make our style a bit more consistent as there were still small discrepancies. He also suggested we add some illustrations to the religious groups of people so that it is consistent with all the other people in our video.


Week #2&3: I was a bit nervous at first because I didn't really know everybody in my group. However, we all got along well as we had similar ideas and taste for our video so that was a big relief. I look foward to working with them as they are all very cooperative and understanding.

Week #4&5: Working on the AI assets was definitely a tough task since I had to do quite a few but I actually ended up enjoying it. I learnt how to navigate Illustrator a bit better and using both the brush tool and the pen tool to create the assets. I have not really used the brush tool before so this was definitely a learning experience.

Week #6&7: I am really happy with our final product and proud of what me and my group mates have produced. We have come a long way with a lot of revisions and changes but we have finally done it. Everybody worked super hard on it and gave it their all especially the animators because that is a tough job. I enjoyed working with everyone, they were all super kind and pleasant to work with and I am glad I had such a nice group.


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